Growing up I never quite understood the idea of parents sacrificing things for their children.
It escaped me. I came from a broken home and, at present, I can't be more proud of that. It gave me an appreciation for family and that relationships are hard and it's not about being "goals" because what you see on the outside isn't always the truth. But when it was still a fresh wound, I wasn't accepting at all. What I'm trying to get to is that I never truly appreciated what my mom did. I took everything for granted and NEVER wanted to say "thank you" because I felt entitled to everything. To put it simply, I was and still am to some degree, selfish. But I am writing this to put some thoughts down that I feel are common among children of single parents.
Firstly, I will say that you guys are superheroes. Seriously. Especially if you have more than one kid and can manage to care for their basic needs and help with extracurricular activities as well (sports, music, etc.) You always manage to carry so many burdens and hardships on your shoulders, yet you never bow or buckle. You continue to stand strong even if you are broken and faking it. You never cry around us, you wait till we are safe in bed, and even then we sometimes hear you. But that's okay, because even superheroes need a break.
Secondly, Your undying love gave me the strength and courage to wait for the right person to love. I don't want to put any woman or man through what you had to go through so I make mature decisions about relationships and I consult you with questions because as I have heard for years, "Mom/Dad know best".
Finally, I love you. That's the only phrase that can begin to sum up my feelings. Seriously, you gave it all to make everything great for me and I can't repay it and that's a burden I am proud to live with.
With the fondest love,
Your child.