During my senior year of high school I was bombarded with questions, decisions, and responsibilities that made everything seem overwhelming, When asked by a junior on how senior year is and for advice I responded:
"Senior years in a lot like a game show in Hell. You'll get a prize, but it's still Hell."
A diploma seemed like a small thing compared to all the work I put in those four long years. Being in my school's magnet program for science, research, and medicine didn't make things any easier. It all seemed too much, but now that I look back on it it wasn't that bad.
My first problem was that I put too much stress on myself. I'm not even talking about clubs. I was an officer in FBLA, SGA, and ran a book club, not to mention all the other clubs I was in, but those were my stress relievers. The stress came from college/ scholarship applications and classes. I wanted to continue my straight A streak and get all of my applications done early. Everyone told me that senior year was supposed to be easy, but I think they might have gotten it confused with Junior year. While any school year can be stressful, Senior year holds new obstacles. This means there's no room to worry about things that don't actually matter.
If I could go back and give that Junior advice again I would say that Senior year is what you make of it. Obviously college applications and good grades are important but you only get one Senior year. If you weren't going to make it into your top school before you aren't all of a sudden going to now. Enjoy your final year of high school, go to homecoming, prom, hang out with friends. You'll have four more years (at least) of school so enjoy being at the top of the school chain. In a year you'll be clueless freshmen again.
I wished the year over and spent every day thinking about the future. I can't say that I miss high school but I do wish I did more with my time there. I saw a lot of students get senioritis, let their grades fall, stop attend clubs, etc. You need to cherish your last year knowing the students and teachers, understanding the campus. There will be plenty of time to forget about high school so just enjoy it since you have to live through it anyway.
It's hard to find motivation your Senior year when you are so close to freedom, but don't give up now. It's your last year, your last push, your last time to experience the high school you dreamed so longingly for in middle school. This is your year, your time, your life. Make the most of being a senior, because after this year you'll do it all over again. I'm only a college freshman, but if I had to give you advice on your summer before college I 'd say it's a lot like a game show in hell...
A former Senior