To My Second Mom:
First and foremost, I'd like to say thank you. Thank you for being there for me to celebrate my accomplishments and to help me get through some tough times.
I rarely show emotion, but you've seen me cry when I thought I had hit rock bottom. You have also been there to see me during some of my proudest moments. You have pushed me to become a better person and I actually listen (sometimes) when you give me advice.
Even though you are substantially older than me, you will always be one of my best friends. I couldn't have imagined spending my senior year of high school not staying in your classroom until 11 p.m. most nights. Even when I didn't need to stay after school, I still found a reason to just because I didn't want to go home.
You are one of the first people to actually really care about me. When I was proud of an accomplishment, you were just as proud of me. When I was down, you would listen and comfort me, until my wallowing got annoying and then you would tell me that life isn't fair and I had to move on.
I am absolutely convinced that without you, I would not be where I am today. You pushed me out of my comfort zone which I was so happily living in.
From spending a week with you in San Antonio, Anaheim and Nashville and countless other places in Missouri for FBLA, you genuinely became my best friend. Sure, I probably didn't need to stay in your classroom while I completed a seventh practice accounting test, but there is no other place I would have rather completed it. From making fun of your pink and leopard print pajamas (I still remember) to crying to you each time I thought my life was over to fighting with your children like my own siblings, I grew to appreciate everything you ever did for me that you definitely had no obligation to do.
Thank you for being my mentor, my friend and my second mom.