Dear Catcallers,
I get it, you see a woman you think is attractive and you just want to let her know you think she's sexy. No harm done, right? You don't really mean anything by it, it's just harmless flirting. You secretly hope she'll reciprocate by blowing a kiss or winking, because that's what the girls in movies do. And, after all, you're really flattering her so you deserve to be flirted with. Every woman likes to be whistled at from a moving car or while they walk past you, right?
Well, I hate to burst your bubble but it's not flattering. You're not cute. She's not going to flirt with you. If anything, she'll roll her eyes and flick you off. If not, she'll just ignore you. And, of course, if she does not respond as you hoped a woman is automatically disregarded. How dare she not find your attempts at flirting sexy and alluring? She must be a freak, and she really wasn't that attractive to begin with.
Let's get really honest for a second, I hate you and your friends who catcall as they pass me. You yelling "hey baby" out your window and honking at me makes my blood run cold. I don't say to myself "oh gee thanks random strangers", if anything it makes me feel the need to go into the nearest building and hide. You and your car full of friends feel like a major threat and you scare me. How dare you make me feel unsafe to walk alone in the middle of the day. Standing at corners waiting to cross the street has become a game of chance. Walking alone isn't an option because of you.
You, dear catcaller, are a jerk. Plain and simple. You are misogynistic and demeaning. I know, you think it's all in innocent fun. Or maybe it isn't, I don't know. It doesn't matter. Have some respect for me and women everywhere and don't catcall. It's unnecessary and will never yield good results.
And for goodness sake, I am NOT your baby.