I don't even know where to start, but I guess I'll start by simply saying thank you. Thank you for supporting me in every aspect of my life. When I applied at 15-years-old I had no idea how much this restaurant, how much this family would mean to me. In all honesty, most of what's happened here I didn't expect and I certainly didn't expect to feel this kind of loss over leaving you.
But as I get ready to say goodbye, I do know that each and every person I've worked with along the way has made an everlasting impact on me. I wouldn't be the person I am today without every single one of you, I can't stress that enough. Thank you for letting me learn from you and be a part of your lives. Thank you for letting me be a part of this family, it was an honor and a privilege to spend these last three years with all of you. Thank you for all the undying love and support you have shown me and my family. I mean it when I say that I wouldn't change a minute of it for the world. Pier 500 will always be one of my favorite chapters.
So as this final ride comes to an end and I walk out the back door one final time, I want everyone to know that I gave you everything I had. I want you to know that I am not going to forget you and I am not going to forget where I came from. I cherish the time I spent here and I'm more grateful than I could ever put into words. This restaurant and this team will always be my good thing.
With all my love,