I live in a dorm with four other girls, there's five of us total. Throughout freshmen year, my roommates have become my best friends. From shy smiles and small talk conversations during move in, to the late night laughs and endless inside jokes we have today. I just want to say thank you to these four girls for sticking by my side the whole year. We've created unforgettable memories and I'm so happy I got to spend freshmen year with you.
Although I am not living with these same roommates next year, I know we will remain close friends. We have already discussed sleepovers in our new apartments and houses next year. We also have plans for reuniting this summer, three months is just too long without them.
Starting freshmen year and living with complete strangers was a scary thing, it takes time to get to know each other and form friendships. We've actually had two roommates move out of our dorm, we started with seven girls in our suite. It was definitely unexpected to lose two roommates but overall, it brought the five of us closer together.
These four girls are the ones I go to for everything, good or bad. If I find out I just aced a test, I text them right away. If I'm stressed about school, I go to them right away. We are always there for each other. All five of us are so incredibly different but I think that's why the friendship works.
I'm thankful for random rooming assignments that brought us together in the first place. I can't picture my freshmen year without our random adventures, our monthly Cookout runs, our unforgettable spring break, and our never-ending prank war.
To my roommates, thank you for always hyping me up, restoring my confidence, pushing me to try new things, being my fashion experts, letting me borrow your clothes, the list goes on. Thank you guys for an amazing freshmen year.