Dear professors,
I've always been the dorky kid who brought Christmas cards to all her teachers and who got wonderful feedback at parent-teacher conferences (where the only negative comments revolved around me talking too much. Shocker.) I loved learning from my teachers and highly looked up to them. As I have progressed through college, my appreciation for my you as professors has only grown. Some have accused me of being a teacher's pet because I am so nice to you all, but this kindness is borne out of true respect and admiration rather than me kissing up for a good grade.
Thank you for the sacrifices you make to teach us. Some of you have shared how you gave up amazing job opportunities so that you could remain with us and continue to teach. A professor's job extends far beyond the classroom, and you are true heroes for the countless hours of work you put in behind-the-scenes, grading essays, poring over materials, and creating exams.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Your real-world-experiences are remarkable and help us students look forward to the jobs that may lie in wait for us after graduation.
Thank you for caring about our spiritual lives, not just our academic performances. I love going to a small school where the classroom sizes are small and you know us personally. I love going to a Christian school where my professors integrate the Gospel into our learning. Some of you share devotionals during each class, willingly reliving your painful experiences so that we can learn from them. Others of you talk about what it looks like to live out our faith in our field. You take prayer requests, you share prayer requests. You treat us with the true love of Christ. It means a lot to have a professor care about you as a person.
You have mentored us, reminding us of our true identity even when our test scores demand us to believe otherwise. You have invited us into your homes and lives. You are highly respected by the community and have helped us land internships and jobs that teach us what classrooms cannot.
I can't help but brag about you all when I interview for jobs, talk to co-workers, or basically have any conversation pertaining to my studies. You have shaped me into a competent professional who not only can perform a job well, but who also is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, and I know other students feel the same way.
Your work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. You are role models. You are respected. We cannot thank you enough for choosing to invest in our lives in such a way.
I hope you enjoy these few weeks with your families, before returning once again to the craziness of your school family.
The student who talks too much