To My Little Sister.
I love you. You are perfect.
You have heard me say those words 10 thousand times, but even on our best of days we all could use a little reminder of how loved we really are. You have a big weekend ahead of you, so take a breath and know that I am still your biggest fan.
As your older sister I have tried my hardest to be a role model for you growing up. Along the way somewhere it seems our roles may have switched, and now I can only dream of being half the woman that you have become.
You are so much more than a role model; you are an inspiration to all those you know. Your drive and determination have made you so successful. I brag about you to practically everyone I meet—you are just that cool.
I know it sounds crazy, but you truly are the reason people have hope in themselves. You see, you pursue your dreams day in and day out, and you won’t let anything stand in your way. Some people reach for the stars, but you reach for galaxies. You open up the universe with your joy, and you encourage others to do the same.
What I want to tell you is to keep it up. You are phenomenal. Do whatever you want to do, and do it with that passion and grace that I know you have. Find what makes you happy, and take every offer given to you. Try something new! Frankly I don’t even care if you are not good at whatever it is, do it. Make a fool of yourself. I dare you to! Fall flat on your face and get back up again. Try your best and fail over and over and over again. The important thing is that you tried. You did that. And I am so proud of you for it.
Find your voice and sing your heart out. Hear the music and dance until your soul is content. Never look behind you, but always keep your eyes forward. There are so many doors ahead of you that will open in due time. I promise I will always remain right next to you, cheering you on.
If anyone puts you down, makes you cry, or tells you that you are not good enough, remember this: I think you are. I think you are good enough, strong enough, brave enough, and talented enough. I think that you are more than enough. I can see how hard you work and how tirelessly you dream. I can see those galaxies you are reaching for. You are almost there.
Always remember to never give up on yourself. You are worth more to me than anything else in this world, and I will do anything and everything it takes to help you succeed. Thank you for being my biggest inspiration.
I love you. You are perfect.
—Your Big Sister