My sweet, sweet boy. You will never know how much I truly love and care for you, and I don't think I can put it into words that you can understand. So instead, I show you with my constant love and care.
I remember first holding you - the clean baby smell and kissing your warm little yet so soft skin. It was amazing to me how you were so innocent and selfless to this world and you had a clean slate to create whatever life you wanted. I knew from the second you wrapped your tiny hand around my finger that it wouldn't be long after that it was me who would be wrapped around yours.
My sweet, sweet boy. I would take the sweater off my back if meant you would be warm, the last sip of water if it meant you'd be hydrated, and the last speck of food if it meant you'd be full. I am more than happy to do these things for you because the big things I'm not so sure I can protect you from. I can't promise you that you won't go through hard times or face toxic people in your lifetime, and I can't promise you that you will always be happy and safe. All I can promise is that when you do face these challenges head on, I'll be there for you - whether it be to celebrate your success or help you pick up the broken pieces.
Although I like to think that I have taught you a lot so far, you definitely have taught me more. You've taught me to be responsible and more caring (only about certain things; getting dirty not being one). You've taught me how to laugh in situations where I thought it was impossible. And, most importantly, you've taught me how your imagination can become reality if you really try hard enough and go for what you want in life (more than five snack times a day being one).
My sweet, sweet boy. I have one promise to you. I promise to continue to help you grow into a wonderful person and be by your side no matter where life takes you. I know most of those days will be tough but I am counting on your smile to get me by. I love you my sweet, sweet boy.
Your Godmother/Auntie/Cousin