Dear Future Niece,
You will be here very soon, and this whole family is so excited! We can't wait to meet you. You are going to have amazing parents, and they love you so much already. I haven't met you yet either, but I already love you more than anything. You have changed our world so much, and you aren't even born yet! I still remember when your mom first told me she was pregnant with you, I was so excited because I knew you would be so perfect.
When we were about to find out the sex of the baby, I was hoping for a girl. So when I found out that was what you are, I got so excited! I am very close to one of my aunts, and so I knew you and I would be close too. I am going to dress you up in cute outfits, play games with you, and spoil you to your heart's content. When you get a little bit older we can have sleepovers, bake cookies, and even have spa days.
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You are going to grow up to be an amazing young lady, I just know it. You are going to have so many people who love you, and we will all make sure you grow up to be the best that you can be. I hope to teach you as much as I can, about many things. Whether it be the world around you, or if I am just teaching you how to multiply double digits. However, the one thing I wish to teach you more than anything is that the only person you need to be is yourself. If everything else doesn't stick, I will be just fine.
This world can be scary, but I know you can get through it. Just stick to who you are. As you get older it can become easier to lose yourself. There will be so much peer pressure to fit in, or be someone you aren't. If someone doesn't like you because they want you to be someone else, trust me, they won't like you even when you change.
Do you know the people who will always love you, no matter what? Your family. I promise to love you no matter who you are. Never be afraid to come to me with anything. I still talk to my aunt about everything, and I am glad I have her. Sometimes I need a second opinion on something, and I know my aunt is just the person who can give that to me.
You will probably argue with your mom when you get older, but it's okay. Mothers and daughter tend to argue, it's normal, and it will pass. You may go through a phase where you think the world is out to get you, but you will come back to your senses. We all go through that phase, I know I did.
I hope that I am around to watch you grow up, and I can show you some pretty cool things. I could teach you the wonderful world of Pokemon, gaming, and a bunch of other things that I know you will enjoy. I also hope that I will get to see milestones in your life, but if I am not, I know your mom will be telling me all about it.
So little Harley, I want to thank you for coming into our lives. You have already added so much joy into it and you will continue doing so. I love you so much, don't ever forget that.
Love Always,
Your Aunt