To my first friends in college,
I wanted to thank you. Thank you for accepting me and helping me deal with the first couple months in school. You helped me survive through home sickness and made me believe that I am not alone in college. Thank you for dealing with my breakdowns, when I could not function anymore. Thank you for letting me barge in your room with math questions that were due in five minutes. You were my family away from home and accepted me with all my strengths and flaws. I could not imagine better friends than you guys my first semester in college.
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Even though I did not know you for the first eighteen years of my life, I feel we have known each other our whole lives. You had to deal with my many flaws or as I like to call them my special qualities. You were there for me after my first exam and shared a whole tub of red velvet ice cream to wash the pain of the exam away. You didn’t judge me when you realized I can finish a whole large pizza by myself. You made sure I made it to my 7:30s and watched me struggle to stay awake in my philosophy classes.
Thank you for helping me dress for the weather that I was not used too. You explained concepts such as black ice, tornadoes, and slush – concepts that I never knew growing up. Thank you for helping me dress for the snow and playing with me outside for two hours. Thank you for helping me get warm after and making sure I don’t get a cold. You were there for me during my first cold, bringing me medicine and making me soup in bed.
Thank you for accompanying me to all the Starbucks runs. You made sure I had sufficient amount of food every day. You were there for me when I wanted to get food at the dining courts at 5:30 PM and you were there for me when I wanted to get breakfast at 6:30 AM. Thank you for teaching me how to do laundry. You told me the difference between warm and cold water and why you should not put your cashmere sweater in the dryer.
You all were my first friends in college and we share a bond that can never be broken. For that, I thank you and cannot wait to share the rest of my college experiences with you.
Your freshman friend