Dear best friend,
We've been friends for the majority of our lives, and I hope that doesn't change any time soon. Through the years you've seen the best and worst of me. You were there in the awkward middle school phase, you were there when I didn't know what my next step was after high school, you were there. Always.
College has been weird for us. We're two hours away from each other and we're both busy so we don't really get to see each other that much. No matter the distance between us just always remember these things:
I am here for you.
Whether your in New York, Los Angeles, Cleveland or Pea Ridge I'm always going to be there too. It may not be in the flesh, but I'll be there in spirit. No matter where life may take me (or you) I will always be no more than a phone call away.
I believe in you.
You can do anything you set your mind you. If there's ever a time when you don't believe in yourself and you thing everything is falling down around you know that I'm always going to have faith in you. You can do the impossible.
I will always love you.
I know this may be cheesy and taken right out of a Whitney Houston song, but it's true. Even though college has brought others into my life that have gained the title of "best friend" just know that you came before them and no matter the circumstance I'll always love you. you mean more to me than I could have ever imagined at age 6 when we met.
If being two hours from each other at college hasn't been able to change our friendship then nothing will. We have survived things so much worse than distance, and I wouldn't do it with anyone else.
Love always,
Your bestie for the restie