For the past six years, dance has been my favorite hobby consuming multiple nights a week, providing mini vacations and keeping my feet busy under the desks at school. Whether it was fixing technique, learning new steps for fun or getting a new competition routine, most of my favorite nights were spent at dance. There have been tears of joy, tears of frustration, and tears from lack of sleep but I wouldn’t take a moment of it back.
First of all, I’d like to thank the parents of the studio. You do more than you realize. You are the cheering section, snack providers and the person to remind us how great we are. You aren’t only a parent to your child but to every other member of the studio. Thank you for being there when my parents couldn’t. I hope to make your kids proud as I continue my dance journey in a new place.
To my dance instructors, without you believing me, I would have nowhere near the amount of confidence I have today. You guys have been role models to me for all these years and if I turn into half of the people or dancers you are, I’ll say I’ve done pretty well with my life. Thank you for always pushing me to be my best and for all the memories I’ve made at this studio.
To my teammates, if I have ever shared the stage with you, you’ve made an impact on my life. Whether you were a part of the original “elite” team, you’ve been a filler dancer or the times where I danced with your team, this includes our peewees, there was no one else I’d want to win or lose with. You guys are all extremely talented dancers and I see amazing futures for all of you.
To the original competition team, we're all in different places now but it’s nice to know we’re all still good friends. Whether it was cuddling in freezing hotel rooms or all fighting for counter space the morning of a competition, you guys have given me some of the best memories on this team. From tubing in Gatlinburg, sitting in a car together for 12 or more hours and winning a national title, you girls are some of my favorite people on this planet and I love each and every one of you more than you could know.
To my best friend at the studio, we have a lot to thank this place for. Without it I wouldn’t have met or gotten so close with you. With all the inside jokes, car jam sessions before practice and heart-to-hearts after practice I don’t think I could’ve loved this place as much as I do without you. It’s going to be strange not sharing the stage with you anymore but I feel a comeback happening at one point or another. Thank you for being my best friend.
All in all, I have so much to thank this studio for. For all the relationships made and memories formed, I would not be who I am without it. I owe it all to you guys, so thank you.