Dear bully,
You never told me why you don't like me. We used to be best friends and then out of nowhere, you were cussing me out and talking bad about me to everyone. Our freshmen year, we use to be really close but then I started dating a jerk (I'm being nice by only calling him a jerk but that is a different story) and all of the sudden I was hated. You told everyone I was failing classes and different, unneeded things like that. When I confronted you on that you did not like all. You were a unsupportive and fake friend that I should not have forgave. But I did.
After my on-again off-again relationship was off you wanted to be by my side once again. I should have known that someone like that wouldn't be a friend that would around for long. Our sophomore year you were hung up on some guy from back home that was no good for you. You ask everyone for advice but then do the exact opposite and would get mad when people got frustrated about it. I was the one who supported you when you dated a guy that I didn't like even though you never did the same for me. I always invited you to go out but you always said no. The one time I didn't invite you I became public enemy number one.
So now we are at junior year. That's when it got really bad. We had one miscommunication and you got really mad. You started cussing me out and even had your mom call me and yell at my for 20 MINUTES. You didn't think anything of it and thought that it was normal for your mom to call someone you were in an argument with so you never apologized for it ever. Eventually, some other little thing happened and you hated me again. But since you lived in the same house as me it got worst.You would talk loud enough on the phone about me that I could hear it through the paper thin walls that divided us. after that semester you texted me asking if we could be friends again and I was a idiot and said yes. I regret that completely.
The second semester of junior year was when everything came crashing down. A conflict happened in the house we lived in about the dishes and a yelling match came out of it (note: I was upstairs for the yelling match and not involved what so ever.) So obviously the entire house had to have a meeting about it. The house manager asked me one question and I gave an honest answer, you didn't like that at all. That night I got 10 phone calls from an unknown number ranging from the times of 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. I reported it to the Dean of Students and nothing happened. I reported it to Residential Living here on campus and nothing happened. Turns out your mom called the head of residential living and told them a lot of lies about me. She told them I was stealing your clothes, throwing parties in the house, sneaking into dorms, and just being a horrible person. So you never got in trouble for anything you did but I did. Because I wanted to be an adult and not have my mom call I was treated like a criminal. After that, you constantly did little things to try to push me to the edge. You tried turning friends against me, ignored me in a room full of people, and many more things. I reported them all and nothing was done.
Now it's senior year and you tell everyone "yeah I don't f*%^ with her." I waved at you on campus and you gave me a dirty look. I never did a single thing to you yet you hate me. But in actuality, I feel sorry for you. You talk badly about all of your friends which kind of shows you aren't a real friend to anyone. I don't know if anyone ever taught you better or not but you can't talk about your best friend badly. I still hope you the best in everything even though I know you don't wish me the same. I know you won't read this because we aren't friends on anything but I hope you realize that even though we aren't friends I think you still have potential to be a true friend to someone one day.
"the girl you don't f*&% with anymore."