Having a brother in law is one the best things in life. One reason is because now I don’t have to take care of my sister anymore. Even though it was fun and frustrating at times, I get to hand off my sisterly duties to someone else. We both know how lucky you are for getting the amazing women that I call my big Sis. You are the one who will take care of her from now on and love her unconditionally. There are so many things I want to thank you for because you are truly one of the biggest role models in my life.
Thank you for loving my sister. She is my sister so of course we fight and sometimes we do not get along, but she is the most important person in my life and I would do anything for her. With that being said, it was hard for me to give her away to some guy. I am so lucky that it is you though, you take care of her and calm her down when no one else can. We both know my sister, so we know sometimes she might not be so lovable but you make sure she feels loved and has everything that her heart desires.
Thank you for becoming the big brother that I have always wanted. I never refer to you as my “brother in law” because you are not that, you are my big brother. You treat me like a little sister and that is one of my favorite things about you. You fit into our little family so well and I could never see you as anything but my big brother. You have become another man that my future husband will have to go through and I love that!
Thank you for caring about me. You make sure that I am doing okay with everything in my life and you always let me know that you are there if I ever need help. You care for me like a little sister and whenever you are joking around with me, I know you are doing it because you care and love me.
Thank you for treating my best friend like a princess. She is like any other girl and she knows what she wants and what she likes. You are so good with her though, you set boundaries and make sure that she is doing what is right. While saying that you also spoil her with everything she wants, such as the smallest things like chickens to the biggest things like her designer bags.
Thank you for always supporting me even when you think I am being crazy. You always know what to say to me so that I feel pretty and confident. Even if no one else likes my crazy shoes, you make sure to tell me that you like them and that I can pull them off. You are always on my side and I could not thank you enough for that.