They say it takes a village to raise a child. If you were to look at my immediate family, it'd look small and boring: a mother, father, brother and sister. But my extended family is basically a large village. Growing up with six aunts and uncles, and over twenty first cousins ( just on one side) can be a bit overwhelming. I was brought up with the values of family coming first. We spend holidays, celebrations and just simple occasions together. Having a large family is both a blessing and a curse. Yet, even on the craziest days I know that:
1. With a large family, there is never a boring moment.
Like most large, Italian families, my family knows how to have a good time together. Apart from that, any simple activity can turn into an adventure with my family. For example, my grandfather used to always love taking all of us to Costco for $1.50 hot dogs and soda. Imagine those Costco employees' faces when a bunch of little kids came running in with one old man wanting hot dogs. With a large family, there truly is never a dull moment.
2. With a large family, you have an infinite support system.
Whether it be a familiar face up in the stands or just a comment on a Facebook, I know I will always have the support of my blood line. No matter what I do, I know at least one of them will be there for me. Going to school so far away from home can be difficult at times. I have had to face many swim meets where I did not see my parents in the stands. Yet, I always received a card from an aunt or uncle and even had them surprise me a few times. With a large family, you have an infinite support system.
3. With a large family, relatives are like friends, but better.
To be completely honest, my cousin is my closest friend. We have been together since we were in diapers, going through sports and scouts together and we even applied to the same colleges together. Whether it's calls at 3 a.m. for relationship advice or to just hang out, friends are forever and cousins are for life. With a large family, family members are like friends, but better.
With a large family, someone is always there for you.
I didn't need a little, blue alien to explain Ohana to me. There are days where life can be hectic and stressful. This can even be caused by the Ohana. It is natural for loved ones to fight as they are fighting for the ones they love. With both good and bad decisions, "family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." With a large family, someone is always there for you.
As crazy and chaotic we may be, at the end of the day, I wouldn't want it any other way.