Dear better half ,
First off, thank you! Thank you for everything. Thank you for dealing with all of my ups and downs. For constantly bringing out the best in me and pushing me out of my comfort zone every day. You have reminded me to not always take myself so seriously, to breathe and to remember to laugh at life. Thank you for embracing my goofiness. For loving me even during my moody, not so lovable moments.
I appreciate you for opening my eyes to the city in a whole new way, exploring new adventures, and possibilities with me. Thank you for accepting the fact that I’ll never truly be an “adult “ because being a kid is so much more fun. Even though on occasion you may turn into a typical old man, you still let me be the rambunctious child I'll forever be.
Thank you for being you and for sharing your love with me. For showing me that love is something you do; something not just to be said but also shown. You have broadened my horizons to new interests that I would never be exposed to unless I met you.
You have supported me and have cheered me on in every endeavor I chose to pursue. But you’ve also been there for the bad, for times where I couldn’t stop crying. These are the times I’ve needed you the most.
Thank you for teaching me new things every day, even though sometimes I tune you out, I promise I learn so much from you. Even politics.
You continuously fill my stomach with my love of ice cream and have kept me warm with a quilt sewed with love. You will never know how grateful I am.
Thank you for putting up with my dramatic personality all the time and never complaining about it. Especially when I was extremely upset about the secret life of pets. For understanding my hectic schedule, listening to me rant about nonsense at 1 am and just rolling your eyes when I don’t listen to you even though I know you’re right. And yet, you still love me too.
Thank you for introducing me to so many new people, including your amazing family. I love that your family has taken me in as their own. Sometimes I show up unbeknownst to your family, and everyone welcomes me with open arms and then asks if I’m staying for dinner. Being loved by your family actually means so much more than you would think.
It is true that I would be lost without you. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and proving to me that true love does exist. I appreciate you more than anything and I could never say thank you enough.
So to my best friend and better half .. Thank you !
Yours truly,