Dear Best Friend(s),
Where do I even begin? I'll start by saying how blessed I am that you have been placed in my life at one point or another. You are the person I go to for anything and everything: big or small, simple or complicated; and you are always there no matter what, and that means the world to me. Honestly what would I do without you helping me pick which picture to put on Instagram or how to reply to a text?
Throughout life people have come and gone, but you never once left. Of course we have our ups and downs as any other friendship or relationship, but that's only normal (we make up within ten minutes of any falling out anyway, so does that even count?).
You know me more than most people do. You can instantly tell whether I'm up or down, no matter how big of a fake smile might be displayed on my face. You are the person that will text me while we're sitting in the same room to make sure everything is okay (or so we can privately judge people - we're not mean, just honest).
I could write an entire novel of our memories together and all of the reasons why I am so thankful to have a friend like you in my life. I won't list any specifics, because you and I both know all of the craziness that has been said and done together. But I can say that when I look back onto everything, the simplest of times is what sticks out most. Of course trips, concerts and things we don't usually do on the regular are unforgettable, but some of the best stories come from sitting around and just talking and goofing around. I mean, that's where a good percentage of our inside jokes and biggest laughs come from.
With all of the crazy that has gone on in our friendships there's never any judgement. We somehow manage to accept each other's strange habits; between some of the faces we make toward one another or just the things that come out of our mouth, I honestly don't know how we put up with it, but we do.
We can talk on and on for literally days and still have more to say or we can even sit in complete silence, yet this is the norm for us. We could go days without talking, because life gets hectic at times, but we pick up right where we left off every time. Even with lost time, we know pretty much everything there is to know about one another (even if it's something we wish we hadn't known).
A person like you is truly one of a kind. Thank you for being my rock and my go-to person. You fill my life with so much happiness (especially laughter). I know that wherever we end up, you will be part of my life.