I have heard people say that the opposite sex cannot be friends without SOMETHING going on at some point of your friendship. I have a ton of guy friends and at some point the friendship doesn't last long for one reason or another, usually it's because i'm already in a relationship. I have had a couple of guy friends who I have felt have never fallen, and I've never wanted more than their friendship. One person in particular needs to be thanked, and this is a letter to him.
It's crazy that we were just talking in your room last weekend about how we met and when we became close. I think it's fair to say that we knew of each other for a while there without actually really knowing each other. After we did start getting to know each other, we pretty much clicked right off the bat.
We have been close since our sophomore year of high school, and our junior year was probably the closest our friendship ever had gotten. We would be together quite a bit during the school day and our trio usually hung out after school as well. It's kind of amazing to me that I had never gotten sick of seeing you.
You were by my side through one of the roughest times of my life. You helped me through a break up, you gave me some honest advice and there was never a time you didn't want to be there for me or even had an excuse not to make time for me. Three years of friendship, and I can say that you've always had good intentions when it came to your advice, your honesty and our friendship. There was never a time I felt that you were trying to screw me over or a time when I thought you were jealous.
We ended our junior year of high school together and someone looked at us and said "you guys will have dated by the end of your senior year, I know it." Look at us. We usually look at each other and start laughing every time someone asks us if we're dating or something like it.
We made it through our senior year and are able to look back and continue to laugh at anyone who has ever said we were going to end up together in high school. I have made it through some really crappy situations, that you have always been there for.
I am forever grateful that I am able to text you in awkward situations and ask you to give me an excuse to leave or make it less awkward. I still laugh that you have fake drunk called me, in order to give me a reason to stop hanging out with a guy. What kind of friends are we?!
It's our freshman year of college and we chose the same college. I can't say my experience here would be the same without you. I'm glad I have still gotten to see you on a daily basis, and that we're still pretty close.
At the end of the day, whether we aren't as close as we were our junior year of high school, we're still pretty close. There are things that you know, that not even my closest girl friends know.
Through break ups, and new beginnings, through hot tub sessions and mall trips, through being coworkers and going through a few jobs each, through whatever, I can promise you I'm here.
Love you.
Your friend girl,