To the ones who adopted me,
There's a special kind of bond that forms between parents and their children; thank you for showing me that the bond isn't built of DNA, it's built of love. For being the four most important people in my life, thank you. To my mom and my dad and my two older sisters who took a chance on a little girl they had never met, thank you. Your courage in the face of the unknown has made all the difference.
Mom and Dad, you have taught me more than you know. I have learned the values of honesty, respect and integrity from you. I know what hard work and determination look like because of you. Your stories and guidance these last seventeen years have meant the world to me and more. I am constantly aware of the "what ifs" and I am constantly reminding myself how lucky I am. Life is a gift, and you two gave me a real chance. If the orphanage hadn't sent you my video, I don't know where I'd be right now. And that's insanely scary to think about.
It has been weird growing up not knowing my medical history and it has been tiresome teaching every single person I meet how to pronounce my first name. It was frustrating during DNA units in science classes when I was the only kid who didn't know whose brown hair I inherited or who passed their brown eyes down to me. It's strange that my birth certificate isn't in English, even though I would say that English is my native language.
But I wouldn't change these oddities and frustrating moments in my life for anything.
These small moments remind me how lucky I am. They remind me that I am not like everyone else. I wouldn't want to be. If I was "like everyone else" then I wouldn't be yours. I am yours because you chose me. You saw that video and you nodded your heads and you chose me. I don't know what I did to earn your trust, but I think you made the right choice. I've had a heck of a time since June 9, 1998 and I hope that you have too.
When people ask me, "Do you want to meet your real parents?" I say, "I've been living with my real parents since 1998." You are it.
I never win raffles. Never. The only ones I've ever won I was using your money for (surprise!). But sometimes I think I never win basket raffles because I've already won the biggest raffle out there: the family raffle. Nothing but pure luck can be credited for the orphanage workers sending your adoption agent my video. Well, luck and a little help from above.
Sisters, you two are my biggest role models. More than seventeen years of laughter and sharing clothes (a.k.a. me stealing your clothes when you guys went to college). Thanks for always pointing me in the right direction and reminding me that books aren't everything. It's pretty weird that we're all starting to go our separate ways, but I wouldn't trade the memories of our time together for anything. You welcomed me as one of your own and never made me feel like the odd man out for not being biologically related to you two. You certainly prove my claim that families are built on love, not DNA. I will be forever grateful for growing up as your younger sister. I hope I have made you two as equally proud to be my sister as I have been to be yours.
I have been provided with an incredible environment since being adopted. An environment where it's okay to be adopted, where my foreign name doesn't always feel so foreign. A house that has become a home through the hospitality of four people that started off as strangers, but whom now I would not be able to live without. They are my air, my water, my existence. And I am constantly aware of the amazing blessing my life has been. It could have gone in any direction, so I'm glad my compass was pointing to these four amazing people.
To seventeen great years, cheers. And to decades more, cheers. I wouldn't have wanted to embark on the crazy journey of life with anyone else.
Much love,
Your daughter and sister