Dear Meaghan,
I know you think I don't love you or care about you anymore, but I really do. I'm so proud of everything you are doing right now. You are going to be getting married in a year, you got a new job, and also you are killing it your last year of college. I know that we don't talk much, because we both are living our own lives and are busy as ever. But I'm always here. I'm always here when you are either annoyed or just need to talk.
It's not the same anymore, I know. However, I need you to know a couple things. I'm seriously so happy you are happy with Matt. It makes me feel so much better knowing you are genuinely happy and you are about to spend the rest of your life with him. I need to tell him thank you as well, for treating you so well and spoiling you like you need to be spoiled. Another thing, I wanted to say thank you to you as well. Thank you for making me your Maid of Honor, it really is a blessing I can help you with your wedding and be apart of it.
I understand that you get upset when I call my sorority family, my sisters. But you need to realize something. They will never be you. Here, I'll say it again, they will never be you. You are my blood sister and the one that has been here through everything with me, my entire life. Literally, my entire life. I appreciate you more than you will ever realize. You have done so much for me. By taking care of me when Momma, Jenny, and Daddy were gone, to buying me food whenever I wanted food, which is all the time. Also, to just always being there for me to cry to or even complain to. I am so thankful to call you my sister.
Being away at college has made me appreciate our family much more than I use to, especially you. When I need it and you are able to, you would pick me up. Even if I am far away from you. It's the little things you do for me and everyone else. You are a great person and a wonderful sister. I can't really say I'm only saying this because you are my only sister, because now I technically have 78 more sisters. But you really are the best sister I have ever had in my life. I love you more than anything in this world. Thank you for being you and being so wonderful. Thank you for watching out for me when I need it and yelling at me when I needed it. We may fight a lot, but I wouldn't want to fight with any other person. I'm so glad we have gotten so close, all of us. Connor, you, and me. It's seriously such a blessing.
So again, thank you for everything you do for me. I don't thank you enough and I hope you know that you are appreciated by me. I can't wait for the holidays so we can spend more time together and I guess Matt too. I love you both, especially you.
Your little sister that doesn't thank you enough.