Dear Mr. Trump,
I am a woman and a college student. I have some thoughts I would like to share with you about your policies.
Mr. Trump, you are saying that if you became president you would ban all Muslims from coming into this country. These Muslims don’t need to be kept out of our country, especially those from Syria, Iraq, and other ISIS invaded countries and cities. You also talk about building a wall along the US-Mexico border. Many Americans travel to Mexico every day for work or to visit their families. Mr. Trump, you say that this wall will keep illegal immigrants out of the United States, but I’m sure this will just create new ways for Mexican immigrants to come into the country.
We need to address problems like police brutality, not bombing “the shit out of ISIS.” If we were to bomb ISIS controlled areas thousands of innocent people would die. Kids who only want to grow up to be a doctor to help people in their country who are wounded by the wars, or kids who want to grow up to be politicians so that they can change the laws in their countries. Secretary Clinton has talked about increasing the number of Syrian refugees that are admitted to the United States. You are also saying that this is just a way for terrorists to get into the country, but the US has one of the most thorough screening processes for refugees to come to our country. Having these refugees in our country would help to change Americans’ perceptions of Muslims because most Muslims are not terrorists and the reason for them leaving their country is because they want to get away from terrorists and areas of war.
Mr. Trump, not only are you a racist, you are a sexist. Yousee women as objects, not people. Recently your campaign released a map showing that if only men voted he would become the next POTUS. With this new information, his supporters started the hashtag #repealthe19th. This refers to the Nineteen Amendment to the United States Constitution which gave women the right to vote. We as a country and a society do not need to move our country’s progress backward almost 100 years, we need to move forward.
I am sitting here in my college dorm room. All that I can think is how can I vote for someone who falsely accuses the other candidate of rigging the election before the election has even happened? I also cannot respect someone who cannot sit there and listen to someone voice their opinion without saying anything. Whether it’s, “Wrong,” or anything that causes them to raise their voice and talk over the other candidate. The first 30 minutes of the last debate you and Secretary Clinton were both very civilized with limited interruptions from one another, but the last hour of the debate, you, Mr. Trump kept interrupting Secretary Clinton. I’m not saying that she is not guilty of also interrupting you at times as well, what I’m saying is that when she interrupted you she was not rude she was simply trying to make her case. Towards the end of the debate, while Secretary Clinton was trying to provide her statement on an issue, you interrupted her saying that she was a “nasty woman.” Secretary Clinton has not said anything mean to Mr. Trump other than saying that he would not be a good leader for this country and is a bad role model for America’s children, which, let’s face it, is true.
I am not saying that I agree with Secretary Clinton on all of her policies or actions (Feel the Bern), but I cannot respect you as a person who is so rude to so many people. I know that Secretary Clinton may have illegally deleted some emails, or hid them, but is that so bad against someone who talks openly about sexually assaulting women? I may not agree with all of her decisions but I cannot, in my right mind, vote for someone to be the next president of the United States who talks down so much to women and other minorities.