Dear travelers,
I will keep this brief. I have come to file a complaint against you all. It is simply not fair that I am not also out exploring the world right now. Seeing the wonders of the world through your prepaid presets is just too much for me to bear. You all are just too aesthetic for me to handle.
I could've been traveling right now. I could be off on an adventure in New Zealand, or zipping off to China. I just let the fear of not being ready to leave home for any longer stop me from applying abroad. The giddy feeling of being home lasted a couple of days maximum; now, all I can think about is my imminent escape. Every table I bus for a couple of dollars could've been a stone surface overlooking the Amalfi coast, and every homemade turkey sandwich could've been a hand-tossed Italian pizza. I'm not saying that I would be studying underneath the Eiffel Tower right now, but I guess we will never know. As of now, I'm stuck here with my restaurant job and my sandwiches. I guess it's my fault, but we all have a part to play.
As annoyed as I am, it makes me happy to see you all living your dreams overseas and down under. Seeing photos of the people that I love thriving are my favorite photos to see, and inspire me to investigate where I want to go next. You all have set a high standard for my expectations for studying or leading abroad. I only hope that my own future experience can meet that high bar.
In conclusion, I just hope you all know what you are doing when you post that picture of you prancing along the coastline of some gorgeous beach or at the steps of some foreign temple, and that you are proud of yourselves for making me sufficiently jealous. I hope to be the one inciting the jealousy soon.
Haley Gamis