"A wise man once told me, family don't end in blood, but it doesn't start there either. Family cares about you, not what you can do for them. Family's there through the good, the bad, all of it. They got your even when it hurts. That's family."
How do I even begin to express the amount of love and pride I have in all of the people involved in the making of "Supernatural"? It's been 13 years since the show first aired! I have spent so much quality time watching and re-watching "Supernatural" it's not even funny (I've re-watched all episodes in all seasons five times now-I'm on my sixth time). So, when I say I love the work you have all put in, I am not kidding in the slightest.
Anyways, I just want you all to know that through your acting, directing, producing-you have brought me and so many others knowledge within the years I've gotten to know the show than anyone will probably ever teach me in my lifetime. I feel like maybe I should spend more time talking with people and socializing-especially since I'll be going to Bowling Green State University soon, but I'd honestly rather be cuddled up on my bed with a thousand blankets watching Sam and Dean fight, Crowley drink little devil cocktails from a straw, and Castiel be hilariously clueless.
I honestly can't remember a time when I didn't have this show to lean on. I remember first getting introduced to this show from one of my friends, Angela. I was staying at her house one night and we watched what I now know as "FrontierLand" (6.18). I remember watching this episode and seeing Sam and Dean all dressed up in their cowboy attire made me love it so much. I remember thinking "this show is so weird, I love it."
Angela explained to me what the characters were like and what was happening and I just smiled and got excited. Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, and Jared Padalecki (my autocorrect always tries to tell me his last name is wrong). A number of years ago, I would have told you that I wouldn't fall in love with a TV show and be as obsessed as Angela was, but I was SO wrong.
Flash forward to the present, and now, my friends around me, and people that know me can't understand my love for you all and the show. I started watching "Supernatural" full on the day I got back to my house from Angela's, and I'll tell you right now, that I could have sat there and re-watched all episodes at least three times. That's how intrigued and happy I was. I don't know what it was that drew me in, out of all the television shows out there, but I choose "Supernatural." God, I am happy I did. I remember watching the very first episode ("Pilot"), and I instantly started falling in love with Dean Winchester, (bless you, Jensen Ackles).
I already believe in the things "that go bump in the night" before I started watching "Supernatural," but this show made me feel like I wasn't that weird ass kid that always sat at the back of the class because she was scared people would notice the fear she had around other people (not being able to tell if my classmates were humans and not monsters). You may think I'm kidding, but I'm not. When I was younger, all of the houses I ever lived in were dangerous. One particular night scared me for life. A figure stood in my bedroom doorway, but wouldn't come in. I thought it was my brother, so I got up to put him back to bed, but I was wrong.
As I got closer to the little boy, his facial features started to change, this child was not my brother. To confirm my thoughts, I looked down to see my little kid brother sleeping hard as a rock. The little boy went into my little kid sister's room, so I followed it. When I got into the room, my sister was still asleep, but the little boy was standing over my sister, about to touch her (I was around 10 or 11 at the time). The little buggers disappeared into mid-air though, but that was enough for me to not be able to sleep right ever since. People will never understand the things I have seen, the things I thought happened, or the visions of my family members deaths I have seen (even my own). I thought no one would be able to capture that pain and that anxiety, but "Supernatural," you all nailed it. You made me feel at home. And for that, I can't thank you enough.
Life would never be the same without "Supernatural," and I mean that with everything I have. I want to thank all of the people involved in the making of "Supernatural," me and my Winchester obsessed heart thank you so much. I am aware that the characters aren't real, but the brains and the acting behind the characters are. The lessons you have taught me, my mother, my siblings, and some of my friends I recruited, are endless.
Through all 12 seasons (13 coming to bless us in October), filled with tears, laughter, and sarcastic comments for days, you have given me a forever in a matter of a few years. I also need to thank you for all of the times you saved me when I didn't want to be here anymore (your show saved me believe it or not). Thanking you for providing me with amazing friends through the fandoms — the "Supernatural" fandom is a big, happy family. By creating this show, you have connected to some of my favorite people I will ever meet.
P.S. "Supernatural" fans really do have a GIF for everything, thanks to you :)