A Letter For A Dog In Heaven | The Odyssey Online
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To My Four-Legged, Furry Best Friend In Heaven, 16 Years Went Far Too Fast

Rest in peace, Princess.

To My Four-Legged, Furry Best Friend In Heaven, 16 Years Went Far Too Fast
Kelsey Thomas

My sweet dear dog,

You were such a good girl and the best friend that any owner could have. I'm so lucky to have been able to call you mine. I have so many memories that I will continue to hold close to my heart as you run around in puppy heaven.

I would first like to thank you. Thank you for being there for me. I mean this literally. Whenever I was sad, you would come over to comfort me and give me kisses. If I was ever crying, you would just sit by me and let me cuddle you until the pain went away. Thank you for being part of my life for so long. You had sixteen wonderful years of life and I wish that I could go back to my fourth birthday and start my journey with you all over again. I fell in love with you right from the start. You watched me go through elementary school, middle school and high school and have been there to welcome me home on breaks these past 3 years of college. You've seen me go through heartbreaks, celebratory moments and casual boring days. Whether it was my worst or my best, you were there for it all.

Any time I would come home, you'd be there wagging your tail at the door, ready to follow me around the moment I set foot into the house. You would wait until I ate dinner to run over to your bowl and eat your food. That alone is something that made me feel so connected and bonded with you.

Growing up, you and I were inseparable. Whether it be locked in my room, watching movies in the den together or you begging me for food any time you saw me eat, we established an incredible bond. Although it didn't snow very often in our area, I still remember tossing you out into the snow to see how you'd like it. Of course, though, you'd stand there and look at me with a look on your face that said, "you better get me out of this stupid snow before I go and chew up your stuff." We have so many memories that I'm going to miss so much. I'd name them all, but that would make this letter become a novel.

I'm beyond grateful that I was able to come home a week before your passing. I got to lay with you one last time on my bedroom floor and hold you for a while. As I stroked your head and told you how much I loved you, something was telling me that that moment was going to be the last time I got to see you, which made me feel like I needed to take all the pictures I had of you and bring them back to school with me.

A week later, I got the call about how you went. As heartbreaking as it was and how lost I still feel, I'm so lucky to have been able to share that final moment with you. You were such a good girl and I hope you never thought for even a second that you were unloved. When I go home, it's not going to feel the same at all. It's going to be weird not having you lay at the foot of my bed, or sneak cuddles with me when you wouldn't cuddle anyone else. You're the longest-living dog I've seen and I'm so proud that you were mine.

I love you so much, pretty girl. I hope you watch over me and continue to be my four-legged furry companion from heaven. Thank you for the amazing, unforgettable and best 16 years of my life.

Rest in peace, Princess.

Love always,

your mama

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