Dear Dad,
It's your birthday, so here's to you.
Almost 19 years ago, you held me in your arms for the first time. I imagine that you were overwhelmed with emotions of love that you never felt before and that you thought something to the sense of, "I'm going to protect her."
You did just that. When I was little you always made sure I was bundled up and warm enough. You always held my hand when we crossed the street or walked in busy cities. You worked hard so that I would have a warm and inviting place to come home every day. Everything you did, you did for me.
When I was younger, you took the time out of your day to look over my homework and make sure I was doing well in school and understanding what I was learning. Math has never been my strong suit, but it is yours. And although some of those nights spending long hours working out problems are some of my most frustrating memories, I am forever grateful that you sacrificed your time to help me succeed rather than resting after a long day of work.
You showed me you love for sports. You knew that I was built with your same fast-twitch muscles, so you started me out on the basketball court at a young age and I excelled. Then I progressed to the track where I excelled even more. Always with your devout support. Anything that you couldn't be at, you asked if I had pictures or videos, which I sometimes felt to be a little intrusive, but you just wanted to be a part of your maturing daughter's life.
As I got older, you were my number one supporter. You came to every sporting event, every banquet, all the back to school nights, the college nights, the college visits. When there were games or meets that I felt as if I had failed, you wiped away the tears and reminded me that it hurt now, but it wouldn't tomorrow. You reminded me of my strength and restored my confidence. You always said to focus on what I can control, for the things out of my control are in God's hands.
Then I graduated and went off to college. I no longer have your outstretched arms to run to when I need them. You're no longer here to hum me to sleep or to assist me with your eternal supply of tissues when my nose is runny. And that's not easy for me, so it must not be easy for you either.
But here is the light in the darkness. You have brought me up so well, that I am ready for this step. I am ready to be on my own. You may no longer be able to attend every track meet, but your wise words are engraved in my mind. You can no longer hum me to sleep, but I can put the tune on replay in my head. And you're still so involved in my life, with weekly face times and occasional text messages. I'm blessed to have a father who cares so much that he still seeks after me even when I am far away. It is a beautiful illustration of God's love for us.
So Dad, at this distance, my appreciation for you has heightened more than ever. I'm sorry I can't be there on your special day, but I love you a lot and cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me. I hope you have a truly wonderful day.