I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. Now that I’m in college and hours away from you and I don’t have the privilege of knowing where you are and what you’re doing at any time, I’ve come to realize that I’ve been taking you for granted for a long time. While I know that you probably won’t read this (unless Mom makes you), I still want to say how much I appreciate you.
From the day that Mom and Dad brought you home, I knew that you were going to be my forever best friend, even if I did say that you were ruining my life. You have always had some unexplainable quality that makes me want to be you. You’re so charismatic and friendly with everyone you meet. You have such a huge heart and it makes me so happy knowing that you aren’t growing into one of those people who don’t care about others. I’m constantly forgetting that you feel so deeply, even if you try to play it off like certain things don’t get to you, I know they do and I am so sorry for the thoughtless things I’ve said to you.
In case you didn’t know, I am so proud of you. I’m proud to be able to call you my brother and I’m glad that I’m the person that gets to pick on you when your voice cracks. I’m proud of the person that you’re turning into and I’m proud of the things that you’re learning, so much earlier that I did. I’m proud, not just in you, but in the relationship that I get to have with you. Just the other day, you came to me and we had a heart to heart and it made me so happy knowing that you trust me enough to talk to me like that. I must admit that I told Mom that we talked but because I didn’t say anything about what our conversation was actually about, you can’t get mad at me. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I really hope this whole “actually talking to each other” thing continues because it makes my heart happy.
Another thing that needs to be covered: girls. Most girls are stupid. Also, most boys are stupid. Don’t be one of those boys. You’re too young to “date,” no matter what Dad says. Double standards aren’t cool and if I had to wait until I was 16, so do you! I’m pretty sure you’re still supposed to be grossed out or at least nervous around girls and it scares me that you seem to be such a young Casanova. It’s not okay. When I say that you’re too young for anything other than platonic relationships, I mean that “dating” in middle school is pointless. I mean yeah, it’s cute seeing little girls and boys giggle and sit together at lunch but aside from an occasional group hang at the movies, that’s the only face-to-face interaction you have. In my opinion, you shouldn’t worry about girls for a looooooong time. If it were up to me, you wouldn’t be chasing after anyone until after high school, well into your college years. People change and grow so much after they graduate high school and I really need you to not get hung up on a girl and spend too much time trying to make her happy instead of doing the same for yourself. High school and the first few years after high school are intended to be used to figure out who you are, not spent trying to be the person that someone else wants you to be. Long story short, you don’t need girls, You can be friends with them and you can think they’re pretty or whatever boys think, just please don’t make “dating” a priority.
I know it seems like I just lectured the heck out of you with that last paragraph but it was necessary. I want you to stay the cute, little annoying brother that you are now. I don’t want you to grow up and figure out how terrible people can be, I want to be able to keep you from heartbreak. I also want to continue being the only person that can pick on you. Well, let’s be honest, I will always pick on you.
“A brother is someone
with fun-loving ways
with wit and good humor
to spare.
He does thoughtful things
without any fuss
and when you're in trouble
he's there.
A brother is more
than just part of the family...
he's also a friend
through and through.
And that's a description
that certainly fits
a wonderful brother like you.”
Love you huge, enormous, gargantuan bunches.
-Big Sis