I'm the type of person to get easily annoyed with anything and everything. I think we all need to go back to driver's education and relearn how the road works..
1. The left lane is not a driving lane.
Yes, sometimes it is a driving lane. During rush hour traffic, it's pretty inevitable to avoid driving in this lane, but please use it as a passing lane and not a driving lane. I really do not care whether you are already going five over the speed limit, or if the person behind you would like to chance a ticket. I see this as a common problem in my hometown, but not so much in the smaller towns that I drive through to get to my college campus. City people, you're failing me here...
2. If you're passed from the right lane, switch lanes.
If you're passed by one car, be my guest and stay in the left lane, but the minute I see two or more cars have to use the right lane to pass someone using the left lane as a driving lane, the irritation is real.
3. If you cannot multitask, don't.
It baffles me, truly baffles me that people struggle with having a phone call conversation while driving. I truly suggest you invest in the up-and-coming technology that newer cars have. Bluetooth is a lot safer and quite convenient. This also covers the fact that texting and driving is illegal.
4. If no one is in front of you, stop braking.
This is something I see daily. Some people I guess just imagine objects in front of them and start braking for no reason. I had a professor tell me once: "If I've seen your brake lights on for the last two miles, I no longer trust you. There's no reason why you should have to brake that much, just lay off the gas."
5. A turning signal is not anything but a warning.
Your turning signal tells other drivers that you want to switch lanes. That does not mean that because it's blinked twice that the driver behind you has seen it. You are not entitled the right into the lane you wish to switch in. Stop cutting people off. Just wait until the person lets you in or they pass. This also means that the blinker was invented for a reason. If you plan to switch lanes you should warn people.
6. Do not drive without car insurance.
Maybe this is just me passing the state property and casualty insurance exam, or maybe it's because I'm a decent human being. It is illegal to not have financial responsibility in the state of Wisconsin. Most people choose to buy insurance, which the state minimum for liability is 25/50/10 ($25,000 per person, $50,000 maximum for people in the other vehicle, $10,000 for property damage you caused).