When classes start, please don't immediately give out homework. We all know that yes, this is indeed college but most of us spent most of our summer working. Please take the time to get to know your students whether your class is major focus, just an elective, an all sophomore class or a mixture of levels.
When you create a bond to get to know your students, they are more likely to enjoy your class and want to participate. If you do the opposite and treat your students as strangers, they are not going to want to come to class and will despise going.
Please understand that a lot of your students may have hidden disabilities. Maybe it's a physical, a learning or a mental illness. One never knows what someone else is going through. When you notice a student begins to skip classes or starts failing assignment, take the time to reach out and make sure they are okay. Don't ridicule students with mental illnesses because most of them are trying their best and just need support and maybe a little push.
Make the semester fun and enjoyable and take the time to understand your students, you never know when they may need a helping hand.