In this year alone, there have been over 559 deaths in the United States inflicted by the police force. Without even counting through all in January 2016 I was already at the number of 47 of terror attacks around the world. I shouldn't have to count the rest that lead up to July to get the idea of how disheartening this is. I'm not even going to take the time to count the amount of deaths inflicted by civilians, although the victims do deserve the recognition. As I am typing this, I already know the amount of criticism this blog is going to get but the innocent lives of the United States and countless other countries need this addressed.
I am a soon to be 19 year old girl soon entering a University. In the past 19 years I have witnessed heartache, murder, terrorism, inequality, ache, and discrimination. As the days go on the number of these selfish acts grow more and more. Why are we letting this happen? How much more is it going to take to get the point across that if we don't band together, there will be nobody left to connect. It is vastly understood by (hopefully) everyone that we each have many different opinions and life stories that create those opinions. We get it. You are Christian. We get it. You are atheist. We get it. You are white. We get it. You are black. We get it... You are any ethnicity this universe created. We get you're republican, maybe democrat, and some independent. We understand you came from a low income family and you over there came from a middle class based family. The person you passed today at the store owns more stocks than you own shirts. We all come from different backgrounds. We. Get. It. But do you realize how many people are just like you? Hating that group of people isn't going to change what the believe or base their lives on. If we continue discriminating against several factors, this world is going to be full of a fiery hate. From the statistics I listed above, it is obvious that the track we are currently on is not going to get us ANYWHERE. I hate to say it, but someday we all are going to end up in the same place at different times due to different causes. (If you're not getting what I'm saying, I'm saying we all are going to die pal.) Our life may be cut short because of illness or injury, or we will grow old in this hate infested world and have our last heartbeat that way.
Is this the world you really want to spend your moments in? Do you want your date of death to be on the same date of several terror attacks or hate crimes? The obvious answer SHOULD be no, if you're sane. You are allowed to be against certain beliefs and ways of life, but killing someone because of how they feel is a million times worse than whatever it is you don't agree with. I hope someday people understand that exact line previous to this one. We, as a species, have to come to terms with the idea that we all are different. There is nothing that will change that, not even the murder of someone. We all should know by now, that that just causes MORE hate and LESS love and compassion. We all are capable of not buying a gun to murder someone. I know several people who have yet to do that. So why can't you?