I have always believed that there is always something that you can to for people to make their days better. Wether it means holding a door open for someone while they are carrying coffee and books in the morning, or even saying hello to someone with a huge smile on your face. No matter what mood I happen to be in that day, I always try to find a way to make someone else have a great day. But lately it has become one of the hardest things to do, because being a ray of sunshine is not the easiest job in the world.
I am not going to say that always trying to find the positives in life is the easiest thing in the world, because there is always something that goes wrong in everyday life. I have always tried make people feel like there is something good that can come out of something so horrible. I have started to notice that others are losing a positive mindset, and that things will not always turn out for the better. Making my job even harder because there is nothing that I can say to comfort them in their time of need.
I have noticed that when people come to me and need to have a few words of comfort, my words have change. They have changed from being so positive that it can put a smile on their face, to something that can make them feel like they have something that can correct the problems that they are facing. But it breaks my heart, because the older I am getting the harder it is to not feel like the smallest mistake can mess up so many dreams and my future. I know it is a hard habit it break, but it is who I am at the end of the day. That is something that I would not change even if I could.
I am the person who when things turn south for myself I will not tell my friends or family because I know that they have their own battles and demons at the end of the day. I am the person who will try and make others happy before I am going to spend five minutes a day to make sure I am happy. This mindset has become so tiring because I am giving everything to everyone with very little to return. But I would not have it another way. At the end of the day, I am alive. I am here on this earth, I am able to walk, I am able to talk and I am able to make my own choices. So this is a letter to those like me, who do everything for everyone and do not expect anything in return. Keep doing what you are doing, because you are the people who others look for.