Dear best friends, acquaintances, family members, next door neighbors, coworkers, girl who smiled at me from afar and everyone else I've had even the slightest bit of contact with,
This is for all of you.
There are so many people we encounter on a daily basis, in our everyday lives. These are the people that shape us, they make us who we are. There have been way too many people in my life that have changed me, and some didn't have any clue. People have walked down the street and smiled at me and changed the entire course of my day. That impact is so great and so little appreciated.
To the girl who smiled at me:
I was having a bad day, and you changed that. I can't imagine what my day may have looked like if you weren't in it. I was just walking about and you looked at me, smiled and kept walking. How small of a gesture for such a great impact. This has taught me to do the same. I have no idea what was going on in your life or why you smiled, but smiling at others is important. It may not have changed everyone's day that day, but it changed mine. Thank you.
To the acquaintance:
We may have been friends for a hot second and it just didn't stick. This could have been for a variety of reasons, but nonetheless, we have gone our separate ways. Having a short or typical friendship with you was wonderful. Being able to talk about surface-level aspects of our lives was fun. There are things I was able to learn about you that allowed me to see how different every single person is. The interactions I had with you have shaped how I speak with others. It has taught me that some people may be more awkward than others and some may be beyond easy to talk to. It has allowed me to grow in my knowledge of people. Thank you.
To the best friends:
All the time we have spent together has been amazing. From crazy nights where we broke laws (minor), to the sad nights where we realized we would have to separate, to the nights when we laughed so hard we gave ourselves new abs and inevitably someone would cry (from the laughing) and so we would laugh some more. You have become the family that I got to pick and I have loved every second of knowing you. We have grown so much together and apart and every second of it has been worth the emotions that went with it, whether it was sadness, anger, hurt, joy, or happiness. You have been there through ups and through downs. You have strongly impacted my life for the better. Thank you.
To the family members:
You have been there since birth or have married into my crazy family. You have picked up my slack when necessary. You all have taught me how to deal with many different situations that come along in life. You have financially, emotionally, and physically supported me throughout every new phase of life. You have taught me many lessons, everything from my ABCs to how to properly love someone. You have given me strength when I've needed it and broke me down when necessary. You have shaped my life greatly. Thank you.
So to all of you, I say thank you!
Thank you all for making an impact on my life, no matter how big or how small. Thank you for changing me in the slightest of way. Thank you for making me think about life even for just a second and helping me learn the right way to respond to things. Thank you for teaching me new stuff and to some, thank you for being my friends. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life in some way and thanks for all the conversations we have had. Thank you for giving me something to smile, frown, or be angry about. Thank you for pushing me to be different and encouraging me to self-evaluate. I appreciate you, just for who you are, just for the tiny interaction we may have had.
Thank you for not being perfect and stretching me. Thank you for hurting me and making me build back up. Thank you for changing the course of my life in any big or small way. Thank you for making me turn the other cheek. Thank you for dealing with my imperfectness. Thank you for allowing me to cry and encouraging me to pray. Thank you for not always solving my problems and helping me find ways to do it on my own.
I have enjoyed spending time with you, whether it was half a second or 10 years. I want you to know that I have learned a great amount of knowledge from you.
You are important to me and to many others, even if you don't realize it.
I love you all.