I am a white male. I realize that I fit into just about the only group that Donald Trump has not attacked or marginalized either directly or indirectly. However, that does not mean that I am in any way okay with the hate speech that the now president-elect has used throughout his life and campaign.
The fact that people in this country now feel unwanted and isolated makes me sick. Everyone is equal and deserves to be treated as so. How is that so hard to comprehend? I cannot imagine how it must have felt to watch the election night coverage knowing that you fit into a group that the leading candidate has degraded through the promotion of stereotypes and objectification.
The results are in. Now, it is up to us to come together. In isolating so many people, Donald Trump has done something that he never intended to do. He brought even more together. Both the groups that he has spoken out against and those like myself who simply cannot stomach it need to act as a united force driven by love, acceptance, and progress. We all have the same worth, and that worth is a lot.
So, while I know I cannot ever fully understand how you feel, I am with you. We are with each other.