To Those Who Don't Fit In:
The concept of "not fitting in" has such a negative connotation surrounding it and, to be honest, it is not always a bad thing. To be honest, it is probably one of the greater things to feel in life. At the end of the day, it's that something sets me apart from everyone else. It could be the way one dresses, acts, or portrays themself. Something that you do is different. And it's 100 percent OK to be different.
For example, I am an old soul and an introvert. Therefore, I feel as if I am left out because people do not want to get to know the person who doesn't drink or go out every weekend. Maybe that's a silly thing to feel. Maybe it isn't. An argument against me feeling this way could be, "try harder." But what if I have tried everything and nothing seems to work? Yeah, it doesn't feel good at first, but it gets better.
Feeling as if you don't fit in hurts, but good things can aspire from it. You should be confident in who you are and let all of your great qualities shine through. Being confident in yourself and your abilities is a feeling everyone should have. Not "fitting in" may be life's way of teaching you that you are hanging around the wrong people. Maybe you need to change that social aspect of your life. For example, if you are in a friend group and they don't appreciate you, not matter how hard you try — leave. Be your best self, be nice, and exit the friend group. Go out and make more friends, make friends who love you and appreciate you.
Do not feel knocked down by those who don't appreciate you or can't even give you two seconds of your life. If your situation involves underappreciation and a constant knocking down by your friends, do yourself a favor and leave the situation. People should never knock you down. You are perfect, just the way you are. You should feel appreciated and loved every second of the day. There should never be a moment, where you do not feel these wonderful things.
Last but not least, your happiness is controlled by you. Yes, I said you. Even though you may feel as if you don't fit in, it shouldn't matter what other people think of you. If you are nice and a good person, then no one should ever make you feel otherwise. You control your own happiness, don't let other people control it.
Life will get brighter. What you are feeling will pass. What you are feeling may come and go. Remember that you are absolutely wonderful and deserve every reason to smile. Here's to feeling like you don't fit in! Embrace it, embrace you.