Dear Thirteen-Year-Old Self,
Hi there! I am you from the college years, and I am here to tell you that it does get better. I promise you that life will not always be terrible. You will not always have to deal with bullies. You will not have to do algebra homework until you die. You will not always sit inside doing nothing, wishing you had more friends to hang out with. You will not have to forever stare at the "hottie", waiting for them to come talk to you. I promise that your life will not always suck.
It is okay to eat pizza and ice cream and chips. It is okay to love your curves and your fat rolls and your thighs. It is okay to not be super skinny. It is okay to want to work out and be athletic. It is okay to eat fruits and vegetables. Please eat your fruits and veggies. Go for a run. But seriously, do not be afraid to pig out on pizza every once in a while. I promise that it is okay to eat. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't starve yourself. Gaining weight is normal, I promise.
It is okay to experiment with your sexuality. It is okay to not be straight. It is okay to be unsure. Kiss boys. Kiss girls. Fall in love. Fall out of love. Play around with who you want to kiss, and date, and be. It is okay to feel like you were born in the wrong body. Maybe you were. Maybe you weren't. Either way, it is okay. You will figure it out and there is support all around you. Even if your parents, family, or friends don't support you - there are a lot of people who will, no matter what. Reach out and do not be afraid to ask for help.
Do not be afraid to live life to the fullest. Do everything you want to do. Go on adventures. Buy frivolous items. Cook new foods. Take pictures of everything. Stay up late. Get up early to watch the sunset. Explore the town that you've lived in all your life, just to find something you didn't know existed. Plan a trip for the future. Plan your wedding. Go out of your comfort zone. Make new friends, make amazing memories, and don't shy away from new experiences.
Above all else, remember how truly wonderful you are. You are beautiful, amazing, kind, funny, caring, lovely, and trustworthy. You are the most perfect version of you. Don't change for anyone. Don't let anyone defeat you, or tell you that you're not good enough. Don't let the people around you effect your views on the world. I promise that you will be okay. Make it through this point. It only gets better from here. I promise. You need to love yourself, because I surely love you.
Your College Self