The college life is not easy. There is not enough time in a day to go to class, go to work, eat, workout, study, and still try to get a decent amount of sleep. The stress that comes with all these things can become almost unbearable, you'll want to quit, you'll want skip that 2 o'clock chemistry lab and just sleep. I'm here to tell you that that's okay.
At times it will feel as though you're not good enough and that if you miss that lab or wake up late you'll be letting people down. Those are the times when you need to stop and think, "Who am I doing this for?" College is a place for you to learn so that you can better your future. The key word being: you. You have no one to prove anything to but yourself.
So what if you don't have time to go to the gym?
So what if you have to call in to work to study for that history exam?
So what if you choose to lay in your room in complete darkness blasting music instead of going to math class?
So what?
Your mental health is very very important, more important than all of the little things, so taking time for yourself is crucial. No one is going to be disappointed in you for any of those things, and if for some reason they are then tell them to live a day in the life of you. I can almost guarantee they would not be successful in completing every single task that you face daily.
The thing about us college students is that we're so resilient, we can bounce back from anything and everything. Failing an exam makes us work even harder. Not waking up in time makes us want to wake up even earlier the next day. We're always striving to do even better than the day before, but sometimes that just isn't possible, and that's just fine.
You know your limits and how far you can take things. You know how long you can sleep until you need to get up, brush your teeth, and run off to that 8am class. You know how many online assignments you can miss until your grade gets to a point of no return. You know yourself better than anyone else in this entire world, and you should take advantage of that.
It's okay to not be what you think is perfect, and it's okay to take breaks. You are in college working to achieve something great and you are not going to let anything get in the way. So don't let anyone bring you down or make you feel bad about things you are doing or aren't doing, because to be brutally honest, it doesn't concern them.
So take a breath, calm down, and go make something out of your time here.