We’re not like most people. Our parents didn’t teach us to “just have fun.” They taught us to work. We’ve been told from the start that we can do anything we set our minds to. And we know we can do anything we set our minds to because we have done it. We graduated high school with honors and multiple scholarships. We got into the colleges we wanted. Of course we had to work our butts off to make these things happen. People often ask you us how we do it and the only thing you think is “I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t give my all.” It’s easy to get caught up in our busy lives so just remember a few things along the way.
1. You’re amazing.
Somehow you manage to be a full-time student and have a job. Heck, you’re not just a full time student, you’re a full time student that also makes the dean's list every semester. And let's face it, you don’t just have a job, you have a job where you get frequent raises and praise for how hard you work. So you’re more than just a college student with a job. You’re amazing.
2. You're too hard on yourself.
You have to be the best at everything. Any grade less than an A or a B might as well be an F. You’re definitely used to being good at most things but if you do struggle with a class or a task at work don’t beat yourself up. Everyone has their weaknesses. It’s okay to not be good at everything.
3. It's okay to need a break.
The lifestyle we live is bound to break down even the strongest people. When all you do is go to class, work, study and sleep, of course you’ll need a break! It’s easy to get caught up in everything you have on your plate but don’t forget to slow down sometimes.
4. Be proud of yourself.
You work so hard, and it’s okay to be proud. The day will come when you finally reach your goal, you’ve nailed the job of your dreams and all your hard work has paid off. But in the mean time, let your parents tell all their friends how great you are! Let your Mamaw tell all her Mamaw friends why her grandchild is the best. You’re great. Embrace it!