"The year is almost over."
"This is surreal."
"2016 has been so tough."
"2016 has been so awesome."
"2016 has tied me to the back of a horse-drawn carriage by my ankles and dragged me the whole way through."
"I met ______ this year. I've never been more grateful."
Whatever your outlook is as this year comes to a close, I hope above all else, you are still thankful. Years are crazy if you think about them. It is a very precisely measured 365-day slot which makes it easy to look back on and reflect on what has happened from January 1st to December 31st. Some groups of 365 days are good, some are mediocre, and some are just plain (excuse my language) shitty.
Nevertheless, another year comes, you make resolutions, you fail at resolutions (or maybe succeed?), and you change as years go by. People come into your life, as well as leave, and the pain goes away as time goes away. I'm stating all of the obvious here. Y'all have done this before, a few times I'd like to believe.
But one thing has been constant through it all: Jesus. He loves you the same as each day, month, year passes. He loves you the same as he loved you in the 15th century. He loves you the same, no matter what kind of year it has been for you. And to Him, these years aren't anything compared to the time you will have in heaven. The world looks at things from a narrow perspective, but Jesus encourages you to see the big picture.
Take heart in knowing that if it has been a bad year for you, He is holding your hand- whether you are gripping back or not. He loves you and is always rooting for you. Whenever I am down, I picture Him saying, "My love, come near, you are my good and faithful servant. You are living well; keep going! I am so proud of you. Let me know when you need me to pick up the slack for you. I am here always."
I'm rooting for you too, my friend. We all need some pick me ups every now and then.
With encouragement always,