To the people who once bullied me:
You kind of ruined most of my school life. Honestly, you made me feel pretty miserable most days. You probably don't even know that you were a bully. You most likely don't remember me, but if you do, you don't remember the things that you said. I do though, and I don't think I will ever forget you.
I grew to dread going to certain classes because you were there. The days I walked in to see your seats empty brought me such relief. How does that make you feel? To know that your presence made someone feel fear and anxiety, and when you weren't there, someone felt such relief that you could never understand.
Some of you were once my friends but most of you were just random peers. I would like to understand what made you find the need to say terrible things to someone you never spoke to before? What made you want to taunt someone every single day for an entire year or more. One of you caused me pain for five years. I would just like to know why? To the bullies who were once my friend, what could ever make you turn on someone that you once cared about? Even if you explained it, I don't think I could ever grasp the idea.
Honestly, if you could have switched places with me for even one day, you would have seen the pain I felt with each passing moment.I would love to have you see how I felt about myself, and how I didn't need your comments to make it any worse than it was. I would love to have you know what it felt like to fear going to classes that you thought you would love, making desperate attempts to avoid eye contact with certain people, because if you looked at them, they would spew hate at you.
But if there ever is a day where you realize the wrongs that you did, I would want you to know one thing: I forgive you. Yes, I forgive you. You made me feel so miserable, but maybe some days you were feeling miserable yourself. And you thought the only way to get rid of that misery was to make someone else feel terrible. Maybe you thought it would make you look cool to taunt someone, it didn't though. I'm going to try and move on from what you did, it may take a long time, but one day I will. You made me a stronger person, I no longer put up with people walking all over me and treating me like dirt. I have to thank you for that. Out of all the negative things you did to me, the one positive was that I became stronger because of you. All of the things I have experienced in my life have made me who I am and I will never forget your faces, your voices, or your words, but every day I will be reminded of how strong I am because of you.
The girl who is no longer your victim