I don’t even know where to begin. Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you like your gift. It was tough to pick it out because how do I go out and buy a small gift for someone who deserves the entire universe? I know you’d laugh and say that’s funny, but you truly don’t understand the luxury of life that you deserve. You might say that you love the gift and it is the small gesture that truly matters. However, that is one thing that doesn’t sit well with me, because I know that what you deserve is beyond anything that is measurable in life.
From day one you have been my rock. I have learned how to love, how to be strong and how to be selfless because those are all of the things that YOU are. But you are so much more than that, Mom. You are so many things that I only hope to be half of the person that you are one day. There are not gifts, words, or even this article that can describe to you or anyone else what you mean to me.
Sometimes I sit around wondering what my life would be like if I didn’t have you. What if I was so devastatingly unfortunate and lost you? I can confidently tell you that a life without you would be a life not worth living. A life that I don’t even want to imagine. You are by far my go-to. You are always there to support me and help me through anything. You are there for the good times, but more importantly the bad ones. You are the best support system because you simply listen and give the best advice you can possibly give. I love that you refuse to judge me, even when I mess up really badly. And even when you are tough on me I know that you just want the best for me.
There are so many things I could say thank you for. The one thing that I want to start with is thank you for being so tough on me. For pushing me past my points of comfort in life, because you know that it will only make me grow as a person. Thank you for punishing me during the times I was stubborn as a child and setting me straight. For always correcting me and making sure I was the best person I could be. I know you always see potential in me even when I do not see it in myself. You have kept my faith, even when I have lost it for myself. For never giving up on me and who I am, that is something I can never give back to you.
The time and energy you have taken to make me the person I am today, that is something I can’t repay you for, ever. I can never give you back the moments in life when you gave up your personal money to spend on clothes or fun things for me to do. I can’t give you back the countless hours you spent at my sporting events or the times you stayed up late waiting for a text saying I was on my way home. The times you had to come home to make dinner for me when you were exhausted from work and just wanted to sit down. The countless loads of laundry and trips to the grocery store. None of that can be given back or repaid, but there is something you should know.
I look back on each and every one of those moments with a smile and a lot of strong emotions. In those times, I see a mother who would do anything for her children. I see a strong figure who simply wants the best for her daughter. I see a woman who was selfish and so loving. And I see myself, looking up and imitating the actions and characteristics of the one woman who was the greatest thing in life and still is. You have such a genuine heart, Mom. I was truly blessed to have you as my mom. With the kindest heart, I’ve seen no one who loves as much as you do. I have never once heard you complain, even though I know sometimes you feel under-appreciated. I just hope you know, that you have children and a family that would not function without you. People love you unconditionally, and I regret all of the many times I have taken your kindness and love for granted. The values, faith, and hope you’ve upheld, the lessons you’ve taught me, and the luxurious life you have given me is so fragile, priceless and precious. I can continue to try to put it into words what you have done for me, but it is impossible to make you truly understand the depth to which I am appreciative of your existence.
Therefore, for all of the things I could say “thank you” for, the most important is this: THANK YOU, for simply being you. Because who you are is who I want to be. You are such a beautiful person inside and out and I can only aspire to be the mother you are to me, to my children someday. I don't always say it (I'm getting better at it), but I love you SO much and I truly appreciate everything you do for me. If I didn’t have you, I would be a lost soul.
You rock, Mom. I love you far more than you will ever know.
Happy Mother's Day, lady!