You sir, need to leave. She has dealt with the bullshit you've thrown at her for far too long, she's beginning to collapse. She has a beautiful soul, and there is no need for you to take advantage of it the way you have been doing. Your stress is her stress, no you don't ask for it but she makes it hers because she fears that you can't carry the whole load by yourself. She is a damn good person and you don't deserve her sympathy.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen her just start crumbling apart and feeling the need to not only pick up her broken pieces but yours as well. She has a heart of gold and it longs for your love. She is killing herself slowly over your pathetic excuse of a life. You manipulate and turn tables constantly with her and she takes the slap in the face you give her because she doesn't want to hurt you the way you've hurt her because she actually loves you. She needs to be let go of your grasp but I'm afraid that if she does she won't have the strength to pull herself back up. You've promised multiple times to leave her alone but yet you’re still here because you realize that she is the ONLY person who gives a damn about your sorry ass life. You are selfish. You are the definition of selfish. You pull on her heart strings as much as you'd like and she allows it because she cares too much for you.
The Best Friend