Hey, you come around here often?
Oh, you do? Well I've never seen your friend before, introduce us?
Welcome. Welcome to the world of the approachable girl, the nice girl, the kind girl, the friend girl, but never the girlfriend girl. Yeah, it wasn't so bad throughout middle school when boys were noticing your friends but not you. But now that you're older, it's a little more, ya know, in-your-face-because-grandma-wants-to-know-why-you-don't-have-a-boyfriend-like-your-cousin bad. Every time you scroll through social media you see another girl with another guy and you wonder why you can't find one. You constantly scrutinize yourself, asking yourself if your too skinny or too fat for boys to prefer you. Comparing yourself to other girls, thinking you're just as pretty, but some how you're always lacking. You dress up to go to parties (for yourself because you are hot) but there's still a part of you that hopes maybe a boy will think you're the pretty one and ask your friends about you. Yet, at the end of the night, your dreams are dashed and your best friend just got Brad's number and all your left with is some crappy confidence and empty solo cup.
It's a bittersweet thing trying to convince yourself you are good enough when nobody but yourself is proving to you that you're right. You are good enough though, just like your friends are. The girls who get the guys are still just as insecure as you are in some aspects. A man, a boy, won't take that away, but loving yourself will, believing in yourself will. The male species is just an added plus. You are a kick-ass woman and the man who discovers that will revere you. You won't be a lonely cat lady, you'll be a woman with a man that is so in love with you, you won't remember what is what like to live without one or that you were even the single friend.
College is especially hard though. The time where everyone is growing up, finding true love and you're just sitting at home like a cute potato, all dressed up and no one to go out with. But no, seriously, you're pressured to find a significant other because other people have found theirs and yeah, your friends may be getting attention from boys left and right, but who cares, you are you and that's all that matters. You're no less pretty or wonderful or stunning than your friends, and them to you, but things just happen at different paces for different people.
Here's the thing to remember though: you're not not getting the guy, you're just waiting for your guy. The guy who will find you beautiful, who will you pick you out in a crowd and who will ask your friends for your number. Who cares if Dave and Austin and their whole crew don't ask for your number because odds are, they're not even worth your time. The one who is worth your time is the guy who is brave enough to take on your beauty and smarts, and odds are, he just hasn't walked through the party yet to find you.