Hey there, princess. I want you to know that it gets better. I’m sure a lot of people, especially your friends, have told you that, but it’s true. Maybe you’re thinking, “How would you know?” Well, I know because I have been there. Multiple times. I feel as though most girls, and I’m sure even guys go through times where they lose their sense of self-worth. I am here to tell you, you ARE worth it.
I don’t know if you’re 10 or 20, or even 50 but I do know one thing: you are totally worth it. If you lost your sense of self-worth because someone was mean to you or bullied you, please know that that bully has karma on their tail. In 20 years, that person will be looking at you and be jealous of you. Honestly, they probably already are. People always want to tear down someone who is doing better than them. So please, keep your head up because things change and people can, too.
Maybe you lost your sense of self-worth over a guy or girl, I know I have. It’s hard; you give your all to someone just to have them take it all out from under you and suddenly you can’t remember who you were before them. You feel like this shell of a person because you know who you are but internally you just feel lost and confused. Do yourself a favor: pick things you love in life, not people - things. These things can be things you like to do or read or draw and hold them close because that will lead you back to yourself. Find ways to make yourself happy by yourself. Be content in and of yourself without anyone. Keep your friends close because they know who you are without a significant other.
While you are doing those things that make you happy, try to figure out what you want to do in life or where you want to go. Set your personal life goals. Maybe those goals are to be the President, to own your own business, to be someone super famous; whatever it is, dream big. Learn that you don’t need anyone your life except for yourself, be at peace with the fact that sometimes the people you want along for your journey may not be on board. Be content with going on that journey anyways. Know where you want to be in your future and try your hardest to get there, because if there is one sure way to be happy, it’s to create your happiness by achieving your goals.
I know these things take time, it took me several years to learn them, and I never would have if it weren’t for my closest friends. Just remember, don’t let their words define you. Don’t let them control you. You are worth more than just being your significant other’s girlfriend. Do what makes you happy. Dream big and chase those dreams. You are worth so much, Princess. I just wish you could see it.