I'm sure everyone has had their fair share of people who aren't fond of them. I guess it's a part of life, right? Well, this part of life sucks. So here's to the girl who hates me. This one's for you.
First off, I'd like to say to get over yourself. I've done nothing to make you hate me the way you do. We used to be friends for God's sake. I'm not being conceited when I say this, but I am an awesome person and an even greater friend. I'm actually sorry that you have such strong feelings of dislike for me. You're truly missing out.
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Also, I want to ask why you waste so much time worrying about me? It fathoms me to know how much time you spend trying to creep on my social media. So do me a favor: STOP. Do something productive with your time and with your life. Maybe you could try dealing with your jealousy and insecurities instead of tearing other people down and making them feel bad for who they are.
Finally, I'm done with your unnecessary drama. I'm done with your bullshit in general. I've tried being the better person and tried to resolve it, but there's always something I do, that doesn't sit well with you. I hope that you grow up someday, and I hope you know this will be the last time I think about you. I'm done being put down and criticized, just so you can try and feel better about yourself.
All my love,
The girl you can't stand.