To The Girl Who Gets Left Out,
I want you to know that all of this, all of the loneliness won't matter. You will be confused and wondering if there's something you said or something that you did that caused you to be alone. Although this is cliche, I promise it's not you it's them. They may not see your full potential and just because one person or a few don't like you doesn't mean that everybody doesn't. It just means that those people, whoever they may be, are there to give you a lesson and that the right people will show up in your life and make you feel so happy and loved that the others won't matter.
Keep pushing through and persevering, be happy even when you want to cry because you must remember that the events in your life are what makes you, you. Without them you wouldn't be the beautiful, confident girl that you've become and without them you wouldn't know the lessons that you've learned. Life has many teaching moments and some of them may not be the best, but it's something that all of us go through. You're not the only one out there who has been excluded.This is a lesson that many, if not all of us have gone through.
Being left out does suck and it makes you wonder why, but I want you and other girls who have been excluded to know that there are people out there who care and will except you as you. You won't have to change for anyone, the right people will come along and you'll forget all about the others who have done you wrong. These new girls who accept you won't mind if you're weird or quirky, they'll just be happy that you're you and that's all that matters.
Not that I'm this girl now but I was this girl and I'm very proud of who I have become since. I've been through the ups and the downs and I understand that being alone does suck. Being the last one to know about things or the one who doesn't get included in an event doesn't feel the greatest, but the girls who do invite you into things want to be with you. They want your company and they want to be with you. These girls are the ones you need to hold onto, they are the girls that want to be with you all the time. They want to spend there days and their moments with you so don't worry because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. It does sound cliche but it's very true. These girls will accept you no matter what and will stick by you. Don't give up and keep doing you girl, because you're the best you, you can be.
The One Who Is No Longer Left Out