To my dear hardworking friend,
You know who you are, that’s why you’ve clicked on this article. Maybe you assume a few small positions and dedicate yourself fully to them, or perhaps, you assume many, many large, important leadership roles and you also dedicate your life to them. Whatever the case may be, you’re probably overworked, stressed out, and in the midst of one of your ever-so-frequent breakdowns. Ha, feels like I’m writing to myself.
I have just a few things to tell you. Maybe they won't make any difference to you, your stressed out days, or busy life. But maybe, just maybe, they will be the words you need to hear. And trust me, if I know you like I think I do, you won’t skim this article, you’ll read it word for word, just like you do everything. So, pay attention.
First of all, that big thing that happened yesterday or last week, that stressed you out SO bad, it probably wasn’t even a “big thing” in the grand scheme of it all. Actually, in your mind, being two minutes late for a lecture class of 300 is a “big thing,” I mean, the professor TOTALLY noticed, knows your name, and will 100% fail you now regardless of your grades right? No. He won't, so calm down. Whatever the stressful event was, it’s over now, move on, and keep rolling.
Next, focus on today. Make yourself a small “To Do” list. What do you need to accomplish right away? Get those done first. Just keep everything else on your radar for later. Work little by little on things ahead of time, after the important priorities are handled.
Most importantly, learn how to say no. I’ve gotta take my own advice, this crap is good! If you are the over-achieving, over-worked, over-social, gleaming butterfly that was attracted to this letter, then you know the struggle. You probably have a great support team, and tons of friends that love you….and seem to always want to hang out when you have that really important thing to do. It won't hurt to see them for just five…or fifty minutes right? No. Learn to prioritize your responsibilities. It makes fun time more fun, and you won't be hanging out with friends while simultaneously sh*tting your pants, worrying about the reports that you have to do. Don’t just learn how to say no to your friends, though, learn how to say no to responsibilities that are not yours. You’re probably a huge “yes” woman like myself, but learn that your quality of work matters, and when you take on too much, it definitely declines.
Finally, take time for yourself to do what you love. If it’s hiking, turn off your phone for a whole day, (of course warn everyone first because God knows you can’t be away from that thing for 20 seconds without a crisis occurring) and just enjoy time in nature. If it’s spending time with the one you love, do it! If it’s just being by yourself, dang it, you better do it! Take time to appreciate the little moments away from the planner, away from the calendar, away from the technology. Take time to appreciate yourself you hard working lady!
A Fellow Over-Achiever