Dear you,
Im sure you’ve already heard about me and I'm hoping it's only good things, but I have no way of knowing that. I wrote this just so you know how blessed you really are to have him in your life.
First, I want to say congratulations. I never thought there would be another girl after me because I thought he would eventually become my future. Although it hurts, I’m happy for him that he’s found someone that captivates his heart more than I did.
By now you’ve probably come to know the surface things about him that you’re feeling pretty confident in your relationship. I can guarantee you there is more to him than you could ever imagine and I only hopes he gets that comfortable to share it with you one day.
I’m positive you know all about his life dreams and what he wants in the future. You’ll know his favorite candy and what his favorite football team is, but it will take a while to learn deeper things than that, so be prepared to wait. There’s so much about him you haven’t yet discovered, and the best is yet to come. You’ll see how caring and loving he can be, and how when you’re with him nothing else honestly matters. I don’t need to repeat these things because I'm sure he’s made them all very clear to you.
He’ll find out your quirks and the things you like and you’ll get to know all of his little things, too. He loves to cuddle and he always does this thing where he’ll rub his thumb against the back of your hand and it sends the most calming feeling throughout your whole body. Also, when he gets the chance he sleeps super late in the morning, so don’t worry if he doesn’t text you for a while. You’ll definitely see how hard of a worker he is and how his family always comes first (and his dog).
I could go on and on forever, but I'm sure you’ll find this out all for yourself soon enough. Maybe you’ll discover even more than I did, but I just didn’t get the chance because you came along. I wanted to be that girl for him, but it just wasn’t in our favor, so don’t take the job lightly. Be the best you can be for him because he will definitely be that for you. I envy your relationship because it’s something I wished to have for years. I'm in love with everything he is, but now it’s your turn to be his everything and, let me tell you, it’s a great place to be, so don’t take it for granted.
The one who loved him first