College is an experience not everyone will be lucky enough to have. College is a place where you try new things and sometimes stay up until three in the morning eating junk food (but that's okay). It's a weird time where you're kind of just pushed out into the world with not much direction or even as much as a clue what you're doing. But more than that, college is the place you find who you are and sometimes meet your forever friends along the way.
To my new, life long friends: maybe you didn't realize we were going to be friends forever but surprise! You're stuck with me now. We met unintentionally through some pretty unconventional ways, but I wouldn't change it for the world, in fact it makes me love us that much more. Even though we have only been friends for a short period of time, you have all taught me so much-like how to make the best of the craziest situations that literally only happen to us (like my car breaking down when all we want is some Mexican food, or losing a bumper in the Cookout parking lot), and also how strong my country accent is. Which you guys remind me of quite often.
In high school I had several toxic friendships, and I never felt truly accepted in my group of friends. I always knew something was missing, but I never knew what until I experienced the true loyalty and love that I now share with all of you. I'm never afraid to be myself (because we're all weird anyway), and you guys truly make Appalachian State feel like my home. I honestly can't think of a better time for us to find each other and I am forever grateful that we did.
We are a package deal and I know you will always have my back. I cannot describe how great it is to have a support system that will celebrate your highs and support your lows. You allow me to be myself and I truthfully never laugh harder than I do when I'm around all of you. Just being together can make even the absolute worst situation seem like it's not a big deal. We have already created so many memories I will cherish until I die and I can't thank you enough for that.
College is so much more than your test scores, GPA, or how many clubs you join. College is who you meet along the way and the bonds you create together. I hope everyone, whether you attend college or not, has the opportunity to form a lasting friendship like the one I now share with six awesome girls. I can't thank you all for the endless laughs and love I have received and I'm so excited to take on college as well as the rest of our lives together.