Hey girl,
I know we probably just got done talking over FaceTime or Snapchat but I wanted to let you know that I miss you! These miles between us for college is hard to handle some days…
Christmas break was filled with amazing memories, whether it was biggby coffee dates, hockey games or showing each other what Santa brought us. I cannot thank you enough for taking time out of your break to hang out with me and do little errands with me that I would otherwise do by myself. Those 3 weeks were a blessing but such a tease. I admit that it was hard to pull out of your driveway knowing that I will not see you for about 5 months. I thought I held it all together saying “see ya later” but the drive home was filled with sad music because we all know you can’t be sad without proper music. Each time you go back to school it gets a little easier but it will never be 100% smiles.
On the other hand, I am glad to see you go away for school…
Hear me out. No I do not love that I can’t drive 15 minutes to see you whenever but it would be selfish to say that I wish you went to a school around here and holding you back from some great things. This distance has even made our friendship even stronger!
You are growing into an amazing human being. I can't thank you enough for becoming a forever best friend. Seriously I could go on for days! I appreciate that because we are so close we can go a day or two without contacting each other due to incredibly busy schedules. Although, each time we text, call or send a funny snap you have something new to tell me. It doesn’t surprise me that you are doing such great things but you never fail to amaze me. I am extremely proud of you for following your dreams, continuing your athletic career and having your first apartment! That report card is flawless too! (Part of me wants to hire you as my math tutor via skype). I am not the only one who notices your hard work. The look on your parents faces and the way they talk about you when you’re away at school is irreplaceable. We cannot express how proud of you we are. So yes, being away from home is tough but I promise you it will be worth it in the end. The experiences you are gaining there are a lot more influential than the ones you would have here in Ohio. Whether it be Philadelphia or Orlando, there is so much to discover about yourself and your future career. Continue to do what you do best and that is being yourself. That’s nothing short of amazing.
I will be around when you return. I am gaining experiences and discovering incredible opportunities here too, don’t worry! My world traveling will just come a little later! I mean hey, someone has to keep your family entertained while you're gone.
I will see you soon…
Your favorite BGSU Falcon