Dear *insert name here*,
I never planned on meeting someone like you, and to be honest, when we first met, you frightened me a bit. You were confident, loud, and somewhat overwhelming. As a quiet girl who always stuck to herself, you were a bit shell-shocking.
Slowly, I adjusted to you, and began to love you. From the ridiculous moments shared throughout freshman year, you became my best friend. Slowly, you dragged me out of my quiet shell and into a bit more spotlight.
So thank you, so so much.
Thanks for believing in me no matter what.
You’re the person I turn to when I don’t know what to do and you’re the person who always pushes me to go after things I think are too big for me. You’re the one who always encourages me to go after everything and never settle for anything less than my biggest dreams. Even when I struggle to believe in myself, you believe in me enough for both of us, and I can’t thank you enough.
Thanks for being my biggest fan.
You are my loudest and most enthusiastic cheerleader. Whenever something happens in my life, no matter how small, you are always there cheering me on. You’re always positive, and it’s pretty hard to feel like anything other than a success with you cheering me on, so thanks.
Thanks for pushing me to work harder.
Whenever I start to feel like I’ve done the best I can, you’re the one pushing me to go just that little bit further. You always challenge me to work harder, to believe in myself more, and to be more of the person I want to be. Thanks for not letting me sit back and wait, and pushing me to go out and accomplish my goals for myself.
Thanks for catching me when I fall.
Whenever I don’t succeed, thanks for being the person I can always rely on to catch me when I fall. You’re the person who is more than willing to spend a night in with me watching movies, eating ice cream, and listening to me rant about how disappointed I am in myself. You’re the person who constantly reminds me that there is no failure unless I didn’t try. Thanks for always reminding me that just trying is a success.
Thanks for being my best friend.
You’re the kindest, most genuine, open-hearted, patient, and loving human I know. You’re my confidant, my secret-keeper, and my second family. Thanks for always being my right-hand, and my go-to.
Thanks for pulling me out of my shell.
Thanks for pushing me into uncharted waters, and then making sure I don’t drown in them. Thanks for seeing the potential in the shy, quiet girl I used to be and constantly encouraging me to see it in myself.
Long story short
Thanks for never allowing me to settle. I don’t know where I’d be without you. I couldn’t have accomplished everything I have without you.
I love you, always.
You're formerly stuck-in-her-shell friend